Since I took up cake decorating my Alan has been requesting a Steampunk themed cake.  Between school, work, and raising a toddler, his request always seemed to take the back seat.  I finally gave it a try!  Definitely the biggest cake to date, and we are definitely still trying to eat through it.

Sometimes I have grand dreams for a cake, and when the finished product doesn't live up to my dreams I get quite discouraged.  This Steampunk cake is one such cake.  What's the best cure for such a situation?  Make another cake!  Only next time, keep the project a bit simpler and a little extra effort so it becomes extraordinary!
Once upon a time I came across this fabulous set of ice cube trays knowing full well they were inefficient to use as ice cube trays.  Next thought, Fondant Mold!   I sprinkled a bit of cornstarch/powdered sugar mix into the mold, squished in my prepared fondant, then popped the tray into the freezer.  About five minutes later I pulled the tray back out, pulled out my perfectly molded dinosaur skeleton, trimmed off the edges, and gum glued it to my cake.

Love the final result!  what better way to say thank you than with dinosaurs and cake?

This past week my family participated in the Dino Half Marathon in Vernal.  Since my Dad went by Dino (think Dino from the Flinstones) we made it a family affair and even got the in-laws involved.   This was the first half for my sister's husband, Ryan, and for my sister-in-law, Camille.  They both did so well, I'm am still so proud and excited for both of them.

As a congratulations both Ryan and Camille got a cake!  A fun and colorful Dinosaur cake for Ryan and a classy, chocolate ruffle cake for Camille.  Well done, you two!